[Expat-bugs] Undefined Reference Errors in ExpatXMLParser.cc file
Amir Ali
2013-04-15 04:46:47 UTC
I am using OMNET++ 4.1, when I build my project iCanCloud then there are 16
errors occurred during building project and all are related to expat_parse.
Can you suggest me what is the actual problem ? . I shall be very thankful
to you for this act of kindness.

I got following errors...

Description Resource Path Location Type
undefined reference to `XML_GetErrorCode' ExpatXMLParser.cc
/iCanCloud/src/Util/expatmm-1.0.2/src line 173 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `XML_Parse' ExpatXMLParser.cc
/iCanCloud/src/Util/expatmm-1.0.2/src line 169 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `XML_Parse' ExpatXMLParser.cc
/iCanCloud/src/Util/expatmm-1.0.2/src line 185 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `XML_ParserCreate' ExpatXMLParser.cc
/iCanCloud/src/Util/expatmm-1.0.2/src line 63 C/C++ Problem



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